Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Mud Pies!

Our church had a lawn & garden shower this past Sunday and we got so much great stuff to help up with our yard and landscaping. They were also very sweet and got Em things to play with and use too! Since Sunday night we have been either digging in the dirt or asking to dig...a girl after her momma's own heart!
She asked all day and since I didn't want to have to clean her up twice today I told her that we would dig after her nap. She was so excited! I also taught ehr how to make her very first mud pies. (Jackie, you would be so proud!) We had a blast.

As you can see, she also got her first...of many...tastes of her pies!

1 comment:

Matt and Rachel said...

So cute! It made me think of this kitchen that Little Tykes (I think) makes that's called a "Mud Kitchen." It's just for making mud pies. I'm trying to convince Matt that we need one. :)